State Industrial Inc.

A Certified Business Enterprise Company

About SII
State Industrial, Inc. is a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) who specializes in the construction of highways and streets, concrete driveways, Sidewalks, curb & gutters, sewer mains, pipe, and connections, utility line (i.e. sewer, water), water main and lines. Our goal is to be known for delivering world class construction services to public and private commercial entities, large prime contractors, federal, state, and local government clients.

Featured Project
Marvin Gaye Playground - Recreation Center - Trail Project
State Industrial Inc. was awarded the contract for the installation of Storm Drain Utilities in Phase 2 and 3 of the Marvin Gaye Recreational center.
The project included the full design and construction services to demolish the existing recreation center (field house) and construct a new recreation facility with improvements to the athletic fields and basketball courts. In addition, re-activate the existing Marvin Gaye trail with signage, passive and active amenities.